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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Anyone for some sandwich?

Just thought i'd post a not so old illustration i did a year back, it's a rendition, a fantasy rendition of a band here in the Philippine's, a very famous and iconic band named Sandwich. My girlfriend's a huge fan of this band and asked me to do this piece, it was also published in Mangaholix's issue number 4, so if anybody wants to see the colored version, you can get a copy of the said issue. i think its still out in the national bookstores, and some magazine stands in the Philippines.

I won an iPod Touch from Pepsi!

I couldn't believe it, I received a call from a representative of Pepsi's contest, notifying me that i won an iPod touch. It was really luck, I only texted in two entries and the second entry was the one that got picked or drawn. I didn't really believe in winning these contests, but hey, i have anew iPod touch..n_n

Thank you Pepsi!.>O